Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cross Country Skiing

I love the winters here in Upstate NY. Especially when we can get out and really enjoy the snow and the beauty of it. Yesterday Eric and I, along with David and Rebekah, were able to get out and do some cross country skiing. It was invigorating and fun!


  1. Some day when I come to your house in the winter I want to go cross country skiing. I heard it is a great workout. I love that you and Eric are always going out and doing stuff with your kids. Oh, and thanks for updating your's about time. :)

  2. I keep telling Bill I want to do that. Hopefully next year when I'm not pregnant!
    I've heard that cross country skiing is one tough workout! (probably more with a baby in tow!)
    It sure looks pretty and so peaceful out there in the snow.
