I had the great priviledge of going to Girls Camp this year with Melanie.
Her first year (I'm still having a hard time believing she's in Young Women's already!!) It was a wonderful week. Melanie is a great young woman and we were surrounded by tons of other wonderful young women. I am very grateful for my wonderful In-Laws for helping watch all our younger children so I could go. Thank you!
Below is a picture of me and the two other women I was priviledged to co-lead a cabin of first year campers. We had a combined YW camp with a stake in Rochester. These two ladies are from the Rochester Stake. In the middle is Sister Iveth Trimm and to the right is Sister Janet Davis. Amazing and wonderful women that I am so grateful I got to serve with and get to know.
We REALLY got to know each other well! The very first night poor Janet didn't get much sleep . . . what she thought was just itchy sheets she soon realized was bed bugs!! They had infested her bunk and were working their way up to mine. We headed to the nurse to see what to do about bed bugs. Luckily because the leaders bunks are seperated by a wall and doorway from the YW's bunks we found that the bed bugs hadn't reached anywhere else in the cabin yet. Janet and I took a couple of very thorough showers and spent the day at the laundermat. We washed and dried all of our things in very hot temps and just as a precaution ran all the girls things through hot dryers.
Not what we expected to be doing our second day of girls camp, but I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend a day at the laundermat with - Love you Janet!
Here's most of the girls, outside our new cabin with all our laundry - ready to move in. They quarentined the old cabin and luckily had another next door we were able to move into. Anything that wasn't able to be put in the dryer we bagged up and put in the kitchen's walk-in deep freeze for 24 hours. It was a little hard to settle down and get to sleep that second night, but once we did we were able to really enjoy the the rest of camp. What a crazy thing to have happen, but we were blessed with some amazing young women who were so calm and easy going that we were able to just make the best of it and move on. They were awesome!
Here's us at the flag pole. What a great group!
Around the camp fire. Making waffles for breakfast. We were kind of spoiled - we got to sleep in cabins and had lunch and dinner prepared in a big mess hall for us, but we did get to make our own breakast over the camp fire. Got to pass off that camp certification!
Here's our cabin. They were the best - the best! The girls in the orange shirts are the 1st years, the ones in the pink are the YCL's (youth camp leaders) and then us leaders in blue.
Here's all of us in the Fayetteville ward. Also a great group of girls. I love each one!
Okay, now just for fun - which we had a lot of. Camp Hair!
Melanie had camp hair too!
EEuuuuuu!! Cabin 2! Yuck!
Our flagpole cheer after switching to cabin 1 . . ."We're cabin 1, can't be cabin 2! - cuz we can't sleep tight, cuz the bed bugs bite!" Hahaha, glad the girls could have fun with it.
Last day. Blowing bubbles while waiting for everyone else to get cleaned up and checked out. It was a great week, went by fast. Can't wait to do it again - but hope to skip the bed bugs part.
Our flagpole cheer after switching to cabin 1 . . ."We're cabin 1, can't be cabin 2! - cuz we can't sleep tight, cuz the bed bugs bite!" Hahaha, glad the girls could have fun with it.
(oh, and the day after we got home - got a call from the camp director that one of the girls from our cabin had gone home and found she had lice! NNNNOOOOOO!!)
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