Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Thanks Gram and Pops! David's birthday gift was a hit with everyone!

Monday, May 18, 2009

David's 2nd Birthday!

Once again we have a two year old in our home - and oh, the excitement! Of course the two year old in him has been coming on for a few months now and we know we haven't seen the best/worst of it yet, but oh, is he 2!

His birthday was last Monday the 11th and of course he didn't know the difference, but was thrilled to wake up with a new tricycle - actually the balloons I'd blown up and set around it were just as exciting if not more. One of these days that will sink in and I'll forget about buying toys and just give the little ones balloons and the beloved cardboard box!

I was planning on making him a cake, but the day got too hectic (can you imagine?) and so I just bought one. It was kind of great because he picked out a cute one with a tractor on it.

He liked having us sing to him.

Melanie is in her softball uniform. He had a ball at her game because there was a swing set and a sandbox and other kids to play with. She did really well and is enjoying it. Melissa is playing Tball. I'll try and get some pictures of them playing on here soon.

This next little video is for Grandma Diane and Grandpa Rex. Your gift was a big hit. A toy to play with sand and water - what could be better?! Thankfully Melanie helped me put it together and show him what to do - although she was horrified when the first thing David did was throw sand in the water part!