We'd like to introduce our newest family member . . .
Rebekah Michele. Born on January 21 at 8:31pm. She weighed 5 lb. 13 oz. and was 18 inches long.
Her Story . . .
She was in a big hurry to get here. I was very surprised to find out I was pregnant again last July, a month after weaning David. Then a month after that I thought for sure I'd had a miscarriage only to go to the Dr. and find - Surprise!- that she was doing just fine (Yay!), I'd just had 'a bleed' which I'm still not sure I fully understand. They put me on strict bed rest for a week and then after another check was allowed back to my regular motherly duties and told all should be fine. I had sonograms at every checkup so they could monitor 'the bleed' - the leftover blood clot at the bottom of my uterus. All the while she continued to grow and develop, heathly and complete. Finally at the beginning of January the sonogram showed the bleed had finally gone away. Yay! Well then in mid January my water broke and she surpised us again by being born 5 1/2 weeks early! The day before Melissa's 7th birthday! Because she was so early she was immediately taken up to the NICU for all kinds of monitoring. She did very well, and was finally able to come home on Feb. 1. She's our Surprise! baby and we're very glad to have her. We can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for her.